What study materials to use for ISTQB Foundation level V4.0 [NEW!] exam preparation?
There are four main official theoretical study materials that you can use when preparing for the ISTQB CTFL exam: ISTQB foundation level syllabus, Standard Glossary of Terms Used in Software Testing, Sample Exam Questions, and the textbook Foundations of Software Testing ISTQB Certification, 4th edition.
1. Certified Tester Foundation Level Syllabus v4.0: Link
The "Foundation Level Syllabus" is the main study material for ISTQB CTFL exam preparation. Using the Certified Tester Foundation Level Syllabus v4.0 as study material for preparation for the ISTQB CTFL (Certified Tester Foundation Level) exam has its pros and cons.
Structured Content: The syllabus provides a structured and organized outline of the topics that are relevant to the CTFL exam. It can serve as a roadmap for your study plan.
Alignment with Exam: Since the syllabus is created by the ISTQB, it is designed to align closely with the content of the CTFL exam. Studying the syllabus helps ensure that you cover the material that is likely to appear on the test.
Comprehensive Coverage: The syllabus covers various aspects of software testing, providing a comprehensive overview of the field. This can help you gain a broad understanding of software testing practices.
Useful for Self-Study: The syllabus can be a valuable resource for individuals who are preparing for the CTFL exam on their own. It provides a clear structure for self-study.
Lack of Detail: While the syllabus outlines the topics to be covered, it may lack the depth and detail needed to fully understand some concepts. You may need additional study materials or resources to delve deeper into certain topics.
Limited Practice Questions: The syllabus itself does not provide practice questions or sample exams. To gauge your readiness for the CTFL exam, you'll need to seek out practice exams from other sources.
No Practical Experience: The CTFL exam requires not only theoretical knowledge but also an understanding of practical testing scenarios. The syllabus may not provide hands-on experience or real-world examples.
May Be Dry and Theoretical: Some learners may find that the content in the syllabus is somewhat dry and theoretical. It may not provide the engaging and interactive learning experience that other study materials or courses offer.
The syllabus is a very dry theory with hundreds of facts, terms, definitions, classifications, lists, etc. A few can learn it by heart, but it is not necessary. As we said, passing the exam depends more on understanding the theory and on understanding the logic of the creators of the exam. That is why we advise you to read the syllabus carefully and thoughtfully two or three times. This should be enough to understand the theory. And the next step is answering the questions in the Practice Exams.
2. ISTQB Glossary: Link
A "Standard Glossary of Terms Used in Software Testing" is a valuable study material for individuals preparing for the ISTQB CTFL (Certified Tester Foundation Level) exam or any software testing certification. It is typically a document that provides a comprehensive list of key terminology and definitions commonly used in the field of software testing.
On the exam, there will be several questions of the K1 level, which are focused specifically on knowledge of terminology from the dictionary. That is why it is very important to familiarize yourself with all the keywords for each chapter. You can use the online glossary, or use the lectures in the course where we have written out the meaning of all the terms per chapter to improve and facilitate your learning process.
Synonyms are listed in the glossary. Some keywords have one, two or more synonyms. Very often, instead of the original keywords and terms, their synonyms can be used in the exam questions. Sometimes the questions and answers on the exam are formulated in such a way that even if you do not know one word, you are not sure of the correct answer. That is why it is very important to check each keyword in a dictionary and remember it. You can use the online glossary, or use the lectures in the course where we have written out the meaning of all the terms per chapter to improve and facilitate your learning process.
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3. Sample Exams: Link
On the official website of ISTQB, you can find Sample exam questions. The 2011 version had 3 sample exam tickets. But on the Internet, you could find hundreds of tests similar to those that were on the real exam. the 2018 v3.1 version also has three sample exam tickets. 40 questions each, 120 in total. The questions in version 2018 v3.1 have become much, much more difficult, and on the Internet it is impossible to find analogs of similar questions that will be on the real exam. And in the new version v4.0, there is only one sample examination ticket with 40 questions and 26 additional questions, 66 questions in total. But as we have mentioned before more than once, 60-70% of the theory has almost not changed, so you can use samples both in v3.1 and v4.0 and therefore will have about 160-180 valid questions for both versions. In our course you can find about 1000 ISTQB-style questions. 100-200 per chapter and 5 exam samples. This is more than enough to practice before the exam.
4. Textbook Foundations of Software Testing ISTQB Certification, 4th edition Link
At the moment, the only advantage of v3.1 over v4.0 is that, in addition to a short and not completely understandable syllabus, there is a large, complex book with examples explaining the theory: "Foundations of Software Testing ISTQB Certification, 4th edition". The downside of the book is that it is expensive and costs about $50. Again, since 60-70% of the theory in the old and new versions of the exam overlaps, the book is also useful for those who are preparing for ISTQB CTFL v4.0. We hope that a new book, the 5th edition, will be published very soon.
Comprehensive Coverage: The book is specifically tailored for ISTQB CTFL certification preparation, covering all the key topics and knowledge areas outlined in the CTFL syllabus. It provides comprehensive coverage of the material you need to know for the exam.
Alignment with ISTQB: Since the book is designed for ISTQB certification, it closely aligns with the exam content and structure. This ensures that you are studying the right material that is likely to appear on the test.
Structured Learning: The book typically follows a structured approach to present concepts, making it easy for self-learners to follow along and understand the progression of software testing principles.
Practice Questions: Many editions of this book include practice questions and exercises at the end of chapters or in separate sections. These are valuable for self-assessment and reinforcing your knowledge.
Author Credibility: The authors of "Foundations of Software Testing" are well-respected figures in the software testing community, which adds to the credibility of the content.
Real-World Examples: The book often includes real-world examples and case studies, helping you relate the theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.
Cost: Acquiring the book may require an investment, particularly if you opt for the latest edition. There are other study materials available at lower or no cost.
Complexity: Some readers may find that the book can be quite technical and complex, especially if they are new to software testing. It might not be the best starting point for absolute beginners.
Depth of Coverage: While the book provides comprehensive coverage, it may go into more detail than what is necessary for the CTFL exam. You might need to prioritize certain sections and skip over more advanced topics.
Reading Length: The book can be quite lengthy, which might be overwhelming for some candidates. It may take a significant amount of time to read and study thoroughly.
Supplementary Resources Needed: The book is most effective when used in conjunction with other study materials, such as practice exams, flashcards, and additional exercises. You may need to seek out these resources separately.
As we mentioned in our "simple approach to exam preparation" there are three simple steps:
Study all the keywords listed in the syllabus at the beginning of each chapter. You can use the online glossary, or use the lectures in the course where we have written out the meaning of all the terms per chapter to improve and facilitate your learning process.
Read the syllabus carefully and thoughtfully twice or better three times. We have also added syllabus content to the course to improve and facilitate your learning process.
Practice answering ISTQB-style questions. In our course you can find about 1000 ISTQB-style questions. 100-200 per chapter and 5 exam samples. This is more than enough to practice before the exam.